"Working with Textures & Overlays-Turn Ho-Hum into a Work of Art "
by Hazel Meredith, APSA, HonNEC-CT
Monday, April 1, 7:30 PMDon’t delete that digital image. Do you sometimes have a shot that you really like….a subject that is hard to capture….a place you may not get to again….but it’s not perfect. Turn that ‘almost’ good shot into a work of art by utilizing textures and overlays.
Maybe it’s a bird in flight – the bird looks great, but the sky is blah. Use another sky image as an overlay, or add a texture – or both. Maybe it’s a nice flower shot – good color and composition, but it’s not quite tack sharp. Use textures to turn it into a fine art image. Of course, you can also add textures to your best images and make them spectacular.
Textures are everywhere – there are many free and for-purchase ones online. You can create your own textures within Photoshop or from photos of everyday objects. Working with layers and blending modes, there are many things you can do to create a beautiful work of art – I’ll show you how.Hazel is involved with the photographic community on local, regional and national levels. She is a past Vice President on the board of the New England Camera Club Council -NECCC, secretary of the Connecticut Association of Photographers-CAP; and a member of the Greater Bridgeport Camera Club. She is also active in the Photographic Society of America -PSA.
Her photos have won many awards and competitions in both local club competitions and international salons and she has had several public showings of her work. For her work done for the photographic community, she has been awarded several Honors distinctions. In 2008 she was honored with a Master Member of the New England Camera Club Council -MNEC and in July 2018 received her Honorary-HonNEC. In 2012 she received the PSA Service Award and in September 2013, she was awarded the distinction of APSA from the Photographic Society of America at their annual conference.
Hazel teaches at many New England camera clubs as well as photographic conferences and events throughout the U.S. She offers workshops and travel photo trips through her company, Meredith Images, and is a regular webinar presenter for Topaz Labs. In 2017 she and her husband, Dave, founded the ‘Creative Photography Conference.’ She released her first eBook, ‘Working with Textures and Overlays-Turn Ho-Hum into a Work of Art’ in October 2015, and is currently working on the sequel.
Hazel enjoys being active in the photographic community and helping others find the joy and satisfaction in taking and perfecting beautiful images. You can see more of her images and read about her webinars and seminars at her websites at www.meredithimages.com
For information on the all day Creative Workshop on May 18-19, 2019 in Southbridge, MA at the Hotel and Conference Center featuring many speakers, seminars and photo setups go to https://www.meredithimages.com/creative-photography-conference/