"6:30PM-7:15PM-First Week Collection-Baby Items-Dipes & Wipes For Infant Center -Greg House-Lynn"
by David Kourtz, MNEC & Karen Hosking Coordinators
Monday, November 11, 6:30 PM

This November GLPA will again conduct a Dipes & Wipes Collection for Gregg House Infant & Toddler Program in Lynn. Gregg House is a Social Service organization that has been helping Lynn families for over a century. Donations add to GLPA certification as a non-profit organization helping the community.

1. Suggested Items to be donated- Original packaged items are accepted and certainly appreciated. Diapers -any brand- for size 2-5, ages 6 months to 4 years, Wipes, sippy cups, socks-infant or toddler, Baby personal toiletries e.g., shampoo, diaper rash ointment, toothbrushes, etc., New infant or child clothes - ages 2 months to 4 years, Packaged or bottled baby food; Diaper bag or toddler knapsack.Thru contact with Gregg House, we were advised that they will also accept slightly worn seasonally appropriate clothing for infants and toddlers.

2. Optional Financial donation-If you would prefer, we will accept monetary donations via a check or Venmo. 100 per cent of these donations are used throughout the year for diapers and to provide MBTA bus passes for the moms.

a. Checks-Make out a check payable to GLPA, write ‘diapers’ in the lower left“ message section of your check.
SEND TO: Dave Kourtz-64 Mooreland Road-Melrose, MA 02176 or give to John McGrath, Dave Kourtz or karen Hosking when you see them at the club.

b. Venmo - Send your amount to @Dave-Kourtz directly thru Venmo

Your donations through GLPA are GREATLY appreciated as these family budgets are small and these donations are significant help. With the holidays coming, I can’t think of a better way to help folks who can use some support.
Thanks for your generosity.